GRIN Needle Endomicroscopes    

Precision Instruments for Cellular Tissue Research

GRIN needle endomicroscopes allow imaging access to deeper tissue areas.

  • in active, living brains, especially for neurobiological research. The technology helps to understand the cause and the development of diseases at a cellular level of the tissue.
  • Cancer and rheumatism research also uses GRIN needle optics to study, for example, metabolic processes, cell dynamics and communication in organs or organ interfaces.
  • Diameters of 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm
  • GRIN singlets with NA = 0.5 have lengths between 2.2 and 14 mm
  • Magnifying GRIN doublets with NA = 0.5/0.2 have lengths between 4.0 and 20.5 mm

Neuronal imaging is one of the most successful and unique applications of GRINTECH microoptics. In the field of non-human neuroscience, GRINTECH has an exclusive partnership with Inscopix Inc.

Customizable at the customer’s request:

  • Working distances, design wavelengths and other parameters can be customized
  • Optics are available in additional diameters to customer specifications, e.g. 350 µm, 600 µm, 850 µm, 1800 µm and 2000 µm
  • Side-viewing optics with 90° microprisms are available on a customer-specific basis

Typical imaging modalities include:

  • Fluorescence endomicroscopy
  • Fluorescence Lifetime Microscopy (FLIM)
  • Two-Photon Fluorescence, Second Harmonic Generation (SHG)

Any Questions?
Contact us!

Herbert Stürmer


Do you have any questions? Please contact us.